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50 imagesI love people, I love what they do and the interests they have and what they bring to my life by letting me briefly into theirs. These are just a few of the results, some personal, some commissioned, some recent, some old.
29 imagesCollected here are a few of the images I have taken over a very long career. Some were taken very recently some a long time ago.
64 imagesI have grouped these together under this title to identify a particular genre which incorporates everything from landscapes taken in Africa whilst documenting big game hunting to portraits taken in Wales and Scotland whilst documenting pheasant and partridge shooting. In each case the pictures were taken for private clients.
20 imagesIndustry takes many forms and I have been lucky enough to see behind the scenes of a number of businesses from heavy industry to commerce. This is a small selection.
99 imagesAs a photographer I take pictures all of the time. Some of these pictures are as part of ongoing series or a particular idea I have, some are just taken for the pleasure of looking and sharing. These are grouped here but overlap with other, more specific projects.
9 imagesSometimes I end up in front of the camera, not very often and usually not of my choosing. These are a few of the times when the process of making the picture became a picture in itself.
36 imagesThis series is a part of the development of my PhD which examines the edges of flash photographs, the borders between what is of interest and central to the process and what is left over as the light falls away leaving an uneasy feeling of something missing.
7 imagesNew Territories is an ongoing project which examines the way in which space is occupied and how these territories are sometimes contested in a small and sometimes insignificant way. Where boundaries are slowly but inexorably moved.
482 images
4 galleries
2 galleries